lunes, noviembre 04, 2002:
otro blog en inglés
Chuck nos ofrece otra visión del porque
postear y postear en este sitio
Chuck's Blogumentary
You there. Yes, you bloggy blog boy or girl. Why do you blog? (You do blog, don't you?) Why did you start a blog? And more questions. How has it affected your "real life"? Do your friends blog, and if they don't are they missing out on your life? This comes out of a conversation I had with Nathan Shedroff, who mentioned that when email came along many people eventually lost touch with friends and family that weren't on email. So share with me, dear blogger. Share and love, and hug. Then scream. Scream and run. Run as fast you possibly can. When you finally collapse, I shall find you. I shall pick you up gently and breathe life into you, and we will make sweet birdfeathery love. Whispers. From this union a demon child will be born, half-human and half-machine. It will blossom with our shared knowledge, and we shall become addicted to the smell of those blossoms. For it is the smell of ourselves. This child... called BLOG.
rafa //
lunes, noviembre 04, 2002