wait here, go there
come in, stay out
be yourself, be someone else
obey the law, break the law
be ambitious, be modest
plan ahead, be spontaneous
decide for yourself, listen to others
save money, spend money
be good, be evil
be wise, be foolish
be safe, be dangerous
be satisfied, be envious
be honest, be deceitful
be faithful, be perfidious
be sane, be mad
be strong, be weak
be enigmatic, be plain
be aggressive, be peaceful
be brave, be timid
be humane, be cruel
be critical, be appreciative
be temperamental, calm
be sad, be happy
be normal, be unusual
stop, go
live, die
yes, no
rebel, submit
right, wrong
sit down, stand up
create, destroy
accept, reject
talk, silence
speed up, slow down
this way, that way
right, left
present, absent
open, closed
entrance, exit
believe, doubt
truth, lies
escape, meet
love, hate
thank you, flunk
clarify, pollute
simple, complex
nothing, something
stop, go
live, die
yes, no
rebel, submit
right, wrong
sit down, stand up
create, destroy
accept, reject
talk, silence
By The Buzzcocks, de su disco homónimo